The second stage of the Moa Tribute project sees the Italian street artist and illustrator Vanni Vaps as the protagonist. With the artist's subtle irony, the created work deals with the theme of diversity and its value within a society, in which one risks remaining prisoners of homologation. Moaconcept Tribute .
"The animal world is united in diversity, of course, genuinely."
What inspired you to create your work?
My main inspiration has always been animals, sketches of human anatomy and moving subjects. I always try to give dynamism to my subjects and I search for fresh, modern, impactful works.
What role does art play for you in society today?
Art plays a fundamental role, especially in the historical moment we are experiencing. I see it as escapism, a pleasant distraction, and I think it must have a strong social message.
Regarding the theme you addressed with your work, what message do you want to convey to those who will observe it from now on?
My theme is diversity, and animals (my favorite subject), with every breed, are the perfect example to express this concept. The animal world is united in diversity, of course, genuinely.
Tell us an episode from your life related to the topic you have addressed.
My trip to Istanbul. I have seen the diversity in the many ethnic groups that inhabit this beautiful city, with contrasting cultures, traditions and religions. But I was struck by the harmony with which they coexist and respect each other.
VANNI VAPS | biography
Vanni Vaps is a street artist and illustrator, born on January 19, 1987 in Varese. The passion for art is strong since he was a child, when armed with a pencil he became passionate about comics, cartoons and illustration. Street art becomes the ground on which he compares himself only in a more mature period, thanks to some friends, who make him discover a new world. Vanni's works refer to the world of comics and cartoons, with a sure and clean line, which often winks at the world of tattoos.
Strong colors with a very modern style of illustration, in which figures of humanoid animals, warriors and samurai are often protagonists, fantastic places of the present and the future, in short, a digital, animalistic and dystopian creativity.
In addition to being very active on multimedia supports, Vanni's curriculum boasts several exhibitions and projects, including a series of four illustrations from 2015, during Expo.
The art of Vaps has an urban connotation, in which a fantasy note is skilfully mixed and in which the result is of strong visual impact and never predictable.