MOACONCEPT official sponsor of BLOGTOUR ZERO
MOACONCEPT official sponsor of BLOGTOUR ZERO
We are pleased to announce our participation as an official sponsor of BLOGTOUR ZERO, the first eco-sustainable blog tour in Italy. The project, the brainchild of Pamela Reale, founder of ilovevisititaly.com involves 5 travel bloggers tasked with visiting every city in Italy recommending and creating tours in a sustainable way.
The first stop of the first Italian eco-sustainable blog tour will be April 21-23 in Rimini, where various activities will be carried out with the various partners in the area.
The bloggers chosen as participants, in addition to Pamela Reale are: Serena Zanna of viaggiconserena.it; Bea Around of beaaround.com; Donny of uncuoreduevaligie.com; and Sara Centi of blondetraveling.com. Each blogger will post stories, reels, direct on Instagram and at the end of the tour a report on their website.
To find out more about the program, visit: https://blogtourzero.ilovevisititaly.com/