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MOACONCEPT sponsor ufficiale di BLOGTOUR ZERO


MOACONCEPT official sponsor of BLOGTOUR ZERO


MOACONCEPT official sponsor of BLOGTOUR ZERO


We are pleased to announce our participation as an official sponsor of BLOGTOUR ZERO, the first eco-sustainable blog tour in Italy. The project, the brainchild of Pamela Reale, founder of ilovevisititaly.com involves 5 travel bloggers tasked with visiting every city in Italy recommending and creating tours in a sustainable way.

The first stop of the first Italian eco-sustainable blog tour will be April 21-23 in Rimini, where various activities will be carried out with the various partners in the area.

The bloggers chosen as participants, in addition to Pamela Reale are: Serena Zanna of viaggiconserena.it; Bea Around of beaaround.com; Donny of uncuoreduevaligie.com; and Sara Centi of blondetraveling.com. Each blogger will post stories, reels, direct on Instagram and at the end of the tour a report on their website.

To find out more about the program, visit: https://blogtourzero.ilovevisititaly.com/

By Moaconcept Official