Jan 2020 | Precarious balance II.
Disney iconography has always been connected to the pop culture of the cartoon universe, it represents a substantial part of our childhood and often, without our imagining it, it influences us into adulthood. Surely a cartoon, in addition to being a pleasant entertainment, is one of the most powerful stimulators of curiosity and imagination for a child, fundamental ingredients for the development of personality, as well as creativity.
Although over the decades the Disney imaginary has constantly renewed itself, it still remains strongly linked to a universe made up of well-defined characters and stories. On the occasion of the launch of the MOA SS21 Disney, we wanted to leave the field free to a particular artist, able to draw on the Disney world from an unprecedented point of view.
Mattia Giordano, eclectic photographer and artist, has worked for iD Magazine, Dior, Nike, Warner Music and many other international realities. The concept underlying his artistic experience is to bring us back to that desire to play and to that fantasy without limits and conditioning that each of us has as a child and as we grow up loses (some more, some less). In fact, at that age we were all able to spend hours playing fantasizing with any object, such as a stick that became a gun, or a magic wand or whatever we wanted in our mind.
To develop this apparently complex concept, Giordano creates a video art performance in series, entitled Precarious Balance: The project places as its main element the object of everyday life, the emblem of contemporary hyper-consumerism. For Giordano "every action breaks the static balance of the set of elements forced to move and then return to a state of syntropy". After having recovered objects of common use, he uses them by displacing the viewer, re-accustoming him to seeing the world through the eyes of a child.
Just like in the "Mickey The Sorcerer's Apprentice" movie, a broomstick can magically come to life in the real world. The result is extremely effective, so much so that with apparent simplicity it digs into our memories and awakens our inner child. Each clip is a rediscovery of our imagination and looking at it countless times ignites the desire to play with the first thing that happens to us. Just like Disney, Giordano's work is an engaging art form suitable for children of all ages, including overgrown ones.